
Anglophone Crisis-Education: Burning desire for effective school resumption despite Cameroon Anglophone crisis_26-07-21

Results of First School Leaving Certificate, FSLC in the South West Region of Cameroon as released by the Regional Delegate for Basic Education, Rose Bume Elangwe have revealed the resilience of children in the crisis hit zones and that the quest for education is high.

Statistics from the six Divisions of the South West show Lebialem which is among the hardest hit divisions amid the Anglophone crisis is the best division, scoring 100% of the 101 pupils who sat for the exams out of 200 registered.

This position is closely followed by Manyu; seed of the current armed conflict and KupeMuanenguba on the second position scoring 99.5%, and Ndian; another deadly zone is their runners up with 98.7%.

Meme division another red zone of the crisis where the displaced population is now concentrated in Kumba, chief town of the division, stood tall at the fourth position scoring 98.9%.

The picture of the excelling divisions in the South West region, only speak loud of the strong zeal and determination of kids who want to be educated and give their future a bright side.

This strong trait of Cameroonian kids living in the restive North West and South West regions bring to mind the massacre of school children in Mother Francisca International Academy on October 24, 2020, leaving seven school-going children lifeless in the pool of their blood. If these terrifying incidents, including kidnaps, torture and brutal murder of teachers and learners have not quenched the flames of going to school in kids of these regions, critics argue that it speaks loud for no school campaigners to review their stance and allow children take their future into their hands.
In Fako where towns like Limbe and Buea are relatively safe zones, the highest numbers of candidates were registered. It is ranked at the end of the classification table scoring 93.4% pass.

Education, the legendary Nelson Mandela said “…is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

Wifah Jennyhans


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