The government of Cameroon has been struggling to convince the national and international community that it was winning the war against Anglophone Ambazonian separatists. It has created Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Centres, that even the ex-fighters are yet to be convinced of its effectiveness.
On Monday February 1, 2020, the ex-combatants at the DDR Centre in Buea went on rampage blocking streets in protest against what they called unfulfilled promises. It took the tact of local administrative and security officials to convince the irate protesters to return to their centre. They blamed government for not fulfilling their engagement to ensure they gained jobs in mainstream society if they dropped their arms. Administrative authorities have promised to look into their plight.
In the North West Region, the Regional Coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Centre Gabsa Sixtus has been assuring that centre is calm and that ex-fighters are well taken care of. He told the press on February 2nd, 2021 that “Contrary to the unfounded and blackmailing news that says the DDR centre is in jeopardy, consultation has been done with ex-amba fighters, the security present at the centre and report sent to hierarchy. »
Though there are challenges faced, Gabsa Sixtus told Press that all is calm at the DDR centre North West and South West cannot share same grievances.
« I plead with government to put more efforts in providing resources and hasten the reintegration process, so that more fighters will leave the bush. Life is hard and frustrating there, reason why the fighters in the bushes now feed on kidnapping, extorting and stealing. » , one of the ex-fighter talking to Press.
Created on November 30th 2018, the DDR Centres have been under the supervisory authority of Fai Yengo Francis.
Since its creation, the centre in the North West has haboured over 250 ex-fighters, reintegrated 32 in para-public institutions.
Ndefru Mélanie
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