
Cameroon Anglophone crisis: Use of force bearing zero peace fruits

The Cameroon armed forces have since May 15 embarked on a mission dubbed “Bui Clean” to cleanse Bui Division of the North West Region from the presence of separatist fighters.

The month long security raids which military officials of the region rate as successful is the third in this locality in less than a year.

Heading a 300-man team for 32 days, Col. Matiag Charles, Commander of the 51st Motorize infantory battalion is satisfied “we neutralised a good number of soldiers among them renown leaders like general Thunder, general Spider and general Abakwa”.

Regretting the loss of four of his men, separatist fighters on their part are also counting their loses. The biggest loser and sufferer each time such raids take place are the civilians caught in the trap of armed battles.

For one month, households have emptied into the bushes, some fled to neighbouring towns and villages while some still have become victims of bullets and torture, local media have reported.

While congratulating his boys, Tuesday June 15, the Commander of the 5th Joint military region, Brigadier Gen. Nka Valere promised that operation Bui clean continues indefinitely.

The repeated outings of the military to localities in the North West which usuallybreathe relative short-term calm are yet to restore peace in the region which the Brigadier Gen Nka promised on his arrival to the region in December 2019.

These raids which for the most parts recover weapons such as guns, bullets and explosive devices including killing of leaders of separatist groups, dislodging of their hideouts have hardly realized the desired results – return of calm. Few days or weeks later, these separatist fighters resurface.

An indefinite presence of the military in this locality is an indefinite hardship for the locals who continue to run into the bushes for fear of military excesses.

Numerous calls have been made for dialogue as a solution to the armed conflict. Parties to the conflict have remained adamant.



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