
Cameroon Decentralisation: Administrators take lessons_04-08-21

The first batch of students at National School of Local Administrators, NASLA have begun taking lessons.

The first set of trainees comprise staff of existing local authority structures who are going in for a six-month diploma course in Administration and Social Policies, and Economics and Management of Local Finances.

The in-service training is a novelty in the management of local councils and regional councils which would see grassroots progression in the management of local councils in Cameroon, one of the enrolled attests. « After six months, my community should see great changes, i am going to impact my community with the knowledge that i have acquired », a staff of the Eyimujock Council in Manyu Division told the press.

This in-service training is part of the drive to strengthen the management of local authorities as the government of Cameroon navigates the decentralisation process.

Over 300 students have been absorbed in this maiden phase called to uphold assiduity and discipline when the Director NASLA, Tanyitiku Enohachou Bayee addressed them during the launching ceremony in Buea recently.

« …be disciplined, assiduous so that they should attain their objectives and NASLA’s too, that of improving on their capacities and performances…” Tanyitiku Enohachuo said.

Designed for training if local administrators, regional council staff, trade unions and other decentralized entities, NASLA was created in March 2020 as an outcome of the Major National Dialogue, tipped as panacea to aggrieved Anglophone Cameroonians.

The structure is hoped to respond to the needs of decentralization nationwide, plus a representation of the special status granted North West and South West regions.

It is a public administration and a professional establishment with a distinct legal personality, and financial autonomy, headquartered in Buea, South West region.

Wifah Jennyhans


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