This follows a sentenced nine months trial following the killings of pupils last year at a school in Kumba, Meme Division in the South West Region.
They were established guilty of acts of terrorism, hostility against the father land, Secession, insurrection, murder and illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions. They were as a result sentenced to death by firing.
The four have however pleaded not guilty and have ten days to appeal the verdict.
It should be recalled that the attack at the Mother Francisca International Bilingual School in Kumba led to the killing of six children and several others injured.
Judith Ayanu Fombindia and her husband, owners of the school, Samon Gabriel Shu as well as the Principal, Godlove Abere Ekendja and a guard Michel Kundjou were each slammed a five-month sentence after their corporate responsibilities as a corporate body were established as per Cameroon’s the Penal Code. They already spent the required number of time in jail and will thus be discharged.
Mah Assi
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