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Cameroon: Opposition leader Ni John Fru Ndi retires from politics [12-02-2021]

Cameroon’s main opposition figure, the legendary Chairman of the Social Democratic Front, SDF, has announced that he shall be retiring from politics. During a press dinner in the nation’s capital Yaounde, Fru Ndi hinted that he shall not be standing for the post of Chairman of the SDF party during that party’s elective Congress in the weeks ahead. According to the ace politician it was time to hand over to the young who may have new ideas on how to move the party and the country forward. Fru Ndi has promised to support the younger generation so that they can succeed where he failed.Eighty year old John Fru Ndi was born on July 7, 1941. He braved all odds to launch the SDF in 1990. He contested and lost three elections in 1992,2004 and 2011.It is widely believed be won the polls in 1992 but were rigged.He would later fail to become senator in 2013 when the list he headed lost in the North West Region.He was abducted by armed separatists fighting for the independence of Anglophone Cameroon under the name Ambazonia, first on Apeil 27, 2019 and on June 28, 2019.Fru Ndi then left the United States of America for medical attention. He returned to the country in the later part of 2020 and took residence in Yaounde. He has not returned to Bamenda his homeland ever since.


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