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Cameroon: PSS Mankon Bamenda/Local authorities with renovation after arson [11-02-2021]

Renovation works at the burnt infrastructures of Presbyterian Secondary School (PSS) Mankon stands at 85% complete.The institution is found in the North West Region of Cameroon where Anglophone separatists have been hesitant to allow schools resume fully.Fire engulfed the boys dormitory on Friday 22nd January 2021 at about 8:30 PM and a day later, the girls dormitory, consuming three dormitories and rendering some 133 students helpless. At least 60 girls and 73 boys were directly affected by the two separate fire incidence. No group has claimed responsibility.The progression of the work was confirmed during an evaluation carried on Wednesday February 10, 2021, by the Mayor of Bamenda II council Chenwi Peter after a visit to the school. The reconstruction works involve roofing of the boys dormitory which is at a hundred percent, ceiline, painting and other works which are at the verge of completion.Mayor Chenwi Peter a key advocate for schools in Bamenda II municipality, felt touched when the said institution (PSS Mankon) went up in flames. Immediately he had to visit the school in order to discuss prospects with the administration. During his visit, he assured them of governments support which is already taking its course. »We took an undertaking with the institution to renovate the structures. Today we are here to follow up what is going on. We have roofed the structure that burnt down and we are left with the painting of the walls ». Mayor Chenwi Peter hinted.Considering the limited number of companies in the municipality, education is a top priority. » In this region we do not have any company. Our own company is Education, so anything that concerns education we must invest, be it the private sector or the government sector. That is why we are here to follow up ». Mayor Chenwi Peter said.


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