A campaign to vaccinate civil servants nationwide against the pandemic has been announced to run from 5th to 30th November, 2021. The joint release announcing the exercise has been jointly signed by Cameroon’s Minister of Public Health Dr. Manaouda Malachi and his counterpart of the Public Service, Joseph Le.
Government workers have been urged to massively adhere to the exercise. The Ministry of Public Health is also launching the third phase of the nationwide campaign. This far about 480.000 Cameroonians have taken the at least one dose of the vaccine, while about 140.000 have been fully vaccinated. For this third phase the single dose Johnson and Johnson will be administered as well as the second dose of the Astra Zeneca or Sinopharm vaccine for those who received the first.
Already there are speculations that vaccination against COVID-19 may be made mandatory in Cameroon. A decision by the Secretary General at the Presidency Ferdinard Ngoh Ngoh stipulates that no one will be allowed to access the presidency without proof of a COVID vaccination card or recent COVID negative test result. Earlier, a similar decision was taken by the Governor of the East Region of Cameroon Gregoire Mvogo. According to him access to state services shall be condition to the presentation of a COVID vaccination card or recent COVID negative test result.
For the Sillonpanafricain.net
Mah Assi
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