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The Sillon Panafricain Charter

Patriots, we have always put the interests of our respective countries first. Pan-Africanist we are, because we believe that if our villages extended to all of Black Africa, it would make us even happier and bring us even more.

Democrats we also are, because this system of political and social regulation of the society, which allows us to decide relatively equitably during political conflicts remian the best for the moment in hope for a better alternative.

And humanists we are finally, because we are humans and as such, our specie must be put at the center of concern.

Now, the question that we have always asked ourselves, knowing that man by nature is a complex, diverse and always changing being is whether we should not try to make him better in the perspective of an ideal that would bring him closer to perfection ?

Having answered humbly with yes, we chose to tackle it from a double perspective. Firstly, by making ourselves better and secondly, to denounce in our publication, all around us who not contribute to making man happy and the continent a better place to live in.

Since we believe that understanding, knowing and loving each of our countries and Africa are necessary to resolutely work and act together wisely, this medium will always strive to inform as objectively as possible to educate and open new horizons to our countries and the entire continent.

Conscientious to everything that happens on the continent, it is with real pleasure and sustained interest that we declare our availability to collaborate in the four corners of the continent with all the women and men of the media who adhere to this Charter.

The Collège of founders


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